
You get the full overview of your travellers with one click on the traveller icon. On the travel monitor start page at one glance you can see:

  • the current traveller status overview, showing travellers’ statuses of the past 72 hours

  • the number of travellers located in low, elevated, high, extreme risk countries

By default, the system shows you the information for current travels. If you need to know about past or future travels, use the custom range button and make your time frame selection. At any time, you can use the red button to initiate an automated status request for selected travellers to find out about their current status. That way, for example, you can have a daily status update on your travellers to high-risk countries.

Click on a traveller icon or on a traveller in the list to display the details available: the contact details and the traveller locations that are registered with the system. At first glance, you can see which travellers have no registered phone number or email address. Behind the name of the traveller, the corresponding icon will be displayed.

Please note that this information is important because in case of a special alert those travellers will not receive the phone call, informing them about the incident and asking for their well-being.

Travellers are advidsed to always add their contact data in their user profile and thus optimise the data quality and their own security.

Traveller locations disclose information on the different stops and stays of the traveller over time, including

  • the duration of each stop

  • the location (coordinates and position on the map) of the stop

  • the latest status call information, if applicable

Last updated