Travel Data Integration

Solutions for correct travel data


Many times, your travellers cannot be monitored properly because you don’t know where they are? Why not? Incomplete booking data, spelling mistakes in names, missing or wrong phone numbers and email addresses make tracking and contacting your travellers difficult. We provide three options to solve this problem:

  1. a direct check-in feature

  2. a manual trip registration (my trips)

  3. a trip registration through your personal calendar


The check-in feature in the navigation bar serves as the shortest and most accurate way to submit a traveller’s position to the platform and integrate the person, based on the name, phone number and email address of his user profile, into the platform monitoring and alerting. The user will be monitored at exactly the geo-coordinates sent by the last check-in. Managers can see the traveller and his position in the travel monitor. After eight hours with no updated position, the monitoring will be terminated.

This function is a huge advantage in cases where position data are rather inaccurate, e.g. if PNR travel data only provide the location of the arrival airport. Also, if there has been no time for regular travel registration (manual, calendar or PNR registration) at all, with the push of a button, the traveller is being taken care of by the platform’s monitoring and alerting after a few moments.


With the second option you can manually register a trip for yourself or your staff easily through the platform. All you need is your trip details, e.g. flight or project/office site or hotel location.

Go to My Trips (suitcase icon) in the main menu and choose add manual booking. Click on add travellers to this trip and use the search bar to find the user who is travelling. Fill out the form with the trip details and register the trip. It is recommended to use the search bar to enter the accommodation location address of your stay. You can also move the pin on the map to the location you want to be monitored at during your stay.

After the confirmation notification, the trip will be visible in the Travel Monitor. The user will receive the PTI (according to your settings) and is integrated into the monitoring and alerting.

If two or more users are scheduled to travel together on the same trip, with the same trip details (same flights, same location, same timeframe) you can also select multiple users and make a group registration.

A huge advantage: you can also register a trip for your colleagues and team members. The only requirement is that your colleagues have a platform account.


You can edit trips that were registered manually via My Trips. To do so, open the Travel Monitor, search/find and select the respective traveller. You will see all the bookings, locations and references of the traveller's trip details (until 3 months after the end of the trip). Please click bookings, show more details and edit booking: the manual trip registration form will open and you can make your edits or delete the booking.


The third option is the calendar registration that allows your travellers to invite the platform to any of their appointments and trips worldwide. Travellers can invite the platform to their 3-day city trip with business meetings as well as to their visit to a project site located in a rural high-risk area and even to short stops along the road. The platform will be your travellers’ companion that informs them proactively if a security incident occurs and initiates emergency procedures, if it finds them in danger.

Simply register your trip through your personal calendar application in two simple steps– at the office with your desktop PC or on the go with your smartphone.

  1. Create an appointment in your calendar for the duration of your trip, name your destination and invite the company specific email address as an attendee. You will find the email address in the platform under Calendar Trip Registration.

  2. Within a few moments you will receive an email with a link to confirm the registration. This link leads to a confirmation page where you can directly add or update your location and contact details, such as your mobile number. Finally confirm the trip ... and done!

To summarize the benefits of using the calendar tracking :

  • QUICK — In ONLY A FEW Steps: Register trips in two easy steps wherever you are – at the office with your desktop PC or on the go with your smartphone. Just create an appointment for the duration of your trip, invite the platform as an attendee and confirm the trip registration.

  • EASY — Simply using YOUR PERSONAL CALENDAR: You can register your trip easily through your personal calendar application. The platform supports any common calendar applications, including Outlook, iCal and Gmail.

  • FLEXIBLE — Your flights change? Just adapt your calender event: You can postpone, extend or cancel the appointment in your calendar at any time. Your changes are forwarded to the platform immediately.

Please note that only travellers that have a platform account and can thus be identified, are entitled to use calendar tracking.


Every platform user can access his or her personal bookings, flights, trips and stays registered with the platfom. A GPS location transmitted via check-in on the other, hand will not be listed here. Select My Trips (suitcase icon) from the menu bar and then click show more to see the details of the relevant booking.

You can edit or delete bookings you had made in the platform itself (manual trip registration). Trips registered via calendar tracking can be edited by changing or deleting the event in your calendar application. PNR data transmitted automatically can only be changed by the travel agency.

Last updated