Admin Area


If you are an administrator of the platform you have additional rights. You can view, edit, delete, add and invite users to the platform.


It is easy to add or invite users. To add a user just click “Add User” and type in all the details and most importantly select the user group. In most cases you will add users to the Traveller group. Please keep in mind that users in the Admin and Manager group will be able to access the Travel Monitor and see personal data. With this option you will need to communicate username and password to the user.

If you click “Invite Users” the platform will send out an email to all given recipients with an invite to register themselves. This option enables you to add multiple users at once.

Please note: If you add or invite users, assign them to the correct user group. In most case this should be the Traveller group. Users in the Admin and Manager groups will be able to access the Travel Monitor and see personal data of travellers and expats.


In this section you can view the available groups. Newly registered users via SSO are automatically added to the default group (usually the Traveller group). Only one group can be the default group in each organisation.

Please note: You are not allowed to delete the default group. Also, you cannot delete a group with existing users linked to this group.

Last updated